
Latest Thinking

Amenity or Revenue Stream

The parental tasks that go along with school are a challenge to manage—transportation, packing lunches, helping with homework, keeping up with grades, etc. As families’ schedules change, I think there is an opportunity for clubs to respond and meet a parent’s needs.

The parental tasks that go along with school are a challenge to manage—transportation, packing lunches, helping with homework, keeping up with grades, etc. These responsibilities add more to-do list items in a parent’s already packed schedules. As families’ schedules change, I think there is an opportunity for clubs to respond and meet a parent’s needs.

In recent years, lack of time for leisure activity has been cited as a reason for declining golf participation rates. Both working men and working women are experiencing decreasing time to enjoy leisure activities, with men spending 2.6 hours per week on sports and women, 1.4 hours.

In 2017, the majority of American households featured parents who both work. In fact, 59-percent of working parents say they share household responsibilities equally with their partner. Of them, 56-percent admit struggling in balancing their work and their family life, leaving little time for leisure.

Believe it or not, the club is perfectly positioned to assist and prosper from these challenges. How? Simple: Provide the ultimate study environment for children at the club.

As Americans find time at home with their children dwindling, if they’re going to utilize any of that scarce time for recreation, they need to know their children’s needs are met. In this regard, clubs can create after-school offerings in a way that provides children what they’d otherwise receive from their parents at home. What do parents expect in this regard? A recent survey found a strong majority of after school programs provided physical activities, homework assistance, snacks or meals, and various learning activities. Clubs can utilize these offerings to shape after school care for members’ children.

  • Surely, there is function space that is rarely used on a weekday from 4:00 – 6:00pm.
  • Surely, your club can hire local residents to tutor member children in various subjects.
  • Surely, you can provide a healthy snack that will excite the children.

Now, let’s monetize it. What if parents could purchase tomorrow’s bagged lunch from the club? 

Hmmm…a culinary delight that kids love… That parents know is low on junk… That requires no fuss & no mess… That took the parent no time…it’s a slam dunk.

Then, you package the lunch in a bag with the club’s logo to make it fashionable. Watch out, you might go viral at $9.99 per day.

All the while, Mom snuck in a workout or a tennis lesson while the kids were receiving expert guidance on the Pythagorean Theorem.  Even better, Dad meets the whole family at the club for dinner @ 6:30pm.

Attract the kids and the dollars will follow…

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